Home 9 Research 9 Security and Vulnerability

Security and Vulnerability

The sources of human insecurity and vulnerability in India are multiple. Some are structural (caste system, patriarchy, under-development, lopsided development), others conjunctural (natural disasters). More recently, growth, globalization and climate change have tended to exacerbate existing vulnerabilities, and have also created new risks and insecurities. International competition has resulted in greater financial and market volatility. The precariousness of employment has increased and the social protection of workers has diminished. IHD plans to work on the various types of vulnerability that threaten livelihoods and analyze the factors and processes leading to conflict and violence as well as those fostering social cohesion.

Prof Ravi S. Srivastava
Professor and Director, Centre for Employment Studies

Dr. Balwant Singh
Education and Capabilities

Dr. Sunil Kumar Mishra
Senior Fellow

Dr. Bhim Reddy
Senior Fellow

Dr. Swati Dutta
Senior Fellow

Dr. MD. Azharuddin Akhtar
Associate Fellow

Dr. Shambhavi Bhushan
Associate Fellow

IHD ERC Ranchi Faculty Member

Dr. Devika Modi
Officiating Director, IHD-ERC & Associate Fellow

Dr. Ashwani Kumar
Associate Fellow

  • Food and Nutrition Security Among Tribals in Jharkhand | View Project >>
  • Poverty and Food Security in Rural Bihar | View Project >>
  • Food Security Atlas in Rural Jharkhand | View Project >>
  • Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) of Implementation of Socio-Economic Development Programmes and Policies | View Project >>
  • Social Security for Informal Workers in Uttar Pradesh | View Project >>
  • Security for Workers in Unorganized Sector in Uttar Pradesh and Preparation of “Draft Research Tools for Social Security for GIG and Platform Workers” | View Project >>
  • Food Security Atlas in Rural Jharkhand - 2021 | View Project >>
  • Assessing Impact of The Covid-19 Pandemic on The Socio-Economic Situation of Vulnerable Populations Through Community Based Monitoring (CBM) | View Project >>
  • Comprehensive Digitised Survey of Persons Engaged in Begging in Delhi | View Project >>
  • Scheduled Tribe Human Development Report | View Project >>
  • Development of Legal Matrix and Brief Narrative Reports for Extending the Social Protection Floor in Selected States | View Project >>
  • Ethnographic Study of Ten Tribes of Jharkhand | View Project >>
  • Assessing Social Protection Provisions in Indian States using Social Protection Floor Approach | View Project >>
  • South Asia Policy Research on Intersectional Inequalities | View Project >>
  • Study on Cash Transfers for Vulnerable Children | View Project >>
  • Development and Tribals in India | View Project >>
  • Public Programs, Social Safety Nets and Food Security in Rural Bihar: Dimensions, Interactions and Reform Options | View Project >>
  • Preparation of Vision Document & Policy Road Map for Incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals | View Project >>
  • Evaluation of Fair Price Shops in Delhi | View Project >>

Development with Global Value Chains: Upgrading and Innovation in Asia
Editors: Dev Nathan, Meenu Tewari and Sandip Sarkar
Published: 2017 by Cambridge University Press India and IHD

Growth and Inequality The Contrasting Trajectories of India and Brazil
By Alexandre de Freitas Barbosa & Maria Cristina Cacciamali & Gerry Rodgers
Published: 2017 by  Cambridge University Press India

Employment, Social Protection, and Inclusive Growth in South Asia
Edited by: Dev Nathan and Akhilesh K. Sharma, Foreword by: Alakh N. Sharma
Published: 2017 by  South Asia Press

India Employment Report 2016: Challenges and the Imperative of Manufacturing-Led Growth
By Ajit Ghose
Published: 2016 by Oxford University Press and IHD

India Labour and Employment Report 2014
Published: 2014 by Academic Foundation and  IHD