Home 9 Research 9 Growth and Employment 9 Mapping Cotton Supply Chain Study In Telangana

Mapping Cotton Supply Chain Study In Telangana

Principal Researcher:
Dr. Bhim Reddy ​

Theme: Growth and Employment
Sponsor: International Labour Organisation (ILO)
Assignment : Investigative Study

Aims and Objectives: The research aims to improve respect for fundamental rights at work within the cotton supply chain to ensure sustainability. Additionally, it seeks to enhance evidence-based knowledge on fundamental rights at work in the cotton sector, providing policymakers and implementers with the information needed to address gaps and promote decent work and livelihoods in cotton-growing communities.

Methodology: The study employed an extensive mapping of actors and activities within the cotton supply chain in Telangana, specifically focusing on the initial link in the global supply chain. Utilizing a mixed methods approach, the research covered four districts in Telangana.

Key stakeholders, including market players, were identified and their activities and linkages within the cotton network were analyzed. The study assessed the opportunities, challenges, and vulnerabilities faced by cotton-growing communities. Primary field research was conducted at various sites, including market towns, market yards, ginning mills, cotton procurement centers, godowns, villages, and farms. Participants in the study included representatives from plantation owners, growers, harvesters, other workers, public administration, associations, buyers, and intermediaries.


  • Significant increase in cotton production in Telangana over the last two decades.
  • Factors contributing to growth:
    • Initial success in pest control through GM technology (Bt cotton seed).
    • Better market prices due to rising demand for cotton.
    • Improved state support in terms of credit, support price, and procurement.
    • Shift away from non-remunerative traditional crops due to aspirational-cultural changes and lack of remunerative crop options under rainfed conditions.


  • Address broad areas and specific challenges related to:
    • Credit.
    • Inputs.
    • Agro-technological information.
    • Produce price.