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Ms. Swati Dutta

Ms. Swati Dutta
Associate Fellow

Ph.D in Economics, University of Madras

Dr. Swati Dutta is presently working as an Associate Fellow at Institute for Human Development (IHD). She received her Ph.D from University of Madras, through Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR). In her thesis, she focused on Poverty Dynamics in Rural India through an asset based approach. Earlier, she has worked as Faculty Associate at IMT (Institute of Management Technology) Hyderabad in Economics & Strategy area from July 02, 2014 to November, 04, 2014. She has also worked as research assistant at Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR), Chennai, from May, 2011, to June, 2014 in various research projects funded by National Stock Exchange, University of California, Irvine, and NABARD. Before that, she worked as ‘project linked personnel’ in the project “Construction and Analysis of Regional Variation of Social Development Indices in India”, sponsored by Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India, in Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, for the period May 16, 2007 to July 31, 2008. Her main area of research is Development Finance, Growth and Human Development, Poverty and Livelihood, and Women’s Empowerment.